Women Investing & Investing in Women: We’ve Come A Long Way, But there’s More to Go …
Panel Discussion
Dr. Katherine Klein, Vice Dean Wharton Social Impact Initiative (Moderator)
Amanda Agati, SVP. Co-Chief Investment Strategist, PNC
Gayle Jennings O’Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, iNTENT Manifesto, WOC Star Fund 1 and WASIC Ambassador
Christian Pennotti, Global Director, Savings Group, CARE
In partnership with:
University of Pennsylvania Alumnae Association
Sponsor, PNC
April 17, 2019
Women and men were invited to join a conversation with this esteem panel, virtually or in-person, about the progress we are making and how much more work is needed.
LinkedIn: Vice Dean Katherine Klein
LinkedIn: Gayle Jennings O'Byrne
Website: Wharton Social Impact Initiative
Partner: University of Pennsylvania Alumnae Association
(Photo courtesy of Jon Spaull of BankingonChange)