Gender Lens Investing
Panel Discussion
Suzanne Biegel, Catalyst At Large Consulting and WASIC Ambassador
Sherryl Kuhlman, Former Managing Director, Wharton Social Impact Initiative and WASIC Ambassador (Moderator)
Malcolm McClain, Rethink Impact
In partnership with:
Beacon and Beacon’s Women’s Network
The Wharton Club of Philadelphia
The Wharton Social Impact Initiative
Chestnut Street Ventures
Yards Brewing Company
November 20, 2017
Gender lens investing is the practice of investing for financial return while also considering the benefits to women. The term was coined around 2009 and became an increasingly popular practice in the mid-2010s. There is a realization that women now have considerable funds to invest, have significant leadership roles in successful companies, play a vital role in our economic future, and that gender equality needs to be more than just a mission. Come learn how you can become a player in this pursuit. One vital realization, it’s not just for women!!
Suzanne's PowerPoint Presentation
Website: GenderSmart Investing
Website: Wharton Social Impact Initiative
Partner: Wharton Club of Philadelphia
Sponsor: Chestnut Street Ventures
Sponsor: Yards Brewing Company
(Photo courtesy of ICCR)