What Makes A Company A Good Employer For Women?
Presented by Dr. Katherine J. Klein
In Partnership with Tri-State Human Resources Management
September 5, 2019
A growing number of employers, business leaders, investors and HR practitioners are asking the question, “What makes a company a good employer for women?”
Dr. Katherine J. Klein, colleague in the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, documented the barriers, biases, and limitations that women continue to experience in the workplace. The result is her ground-breaking study, Four for Women: A Framework for Evaluating Companies’ Impact on the Women They Employ, that promises to change the conversation about the workplace outcomes that matter most to women.
Good employers for women, they show, knock down these barriers, biases, and limitations to create companies that really work for women – companies where women are well-represented at every level and in every unit of the company; companies where women are paid fairly and well; companies where women experience health and safety – not stress and harassment; companies where women are happy to work.
And because these outcomes promote overall organizational excellence, companies that are good employers for women are also good employers for men.
LinkedIn: Vice Dean Katherine Klein
Website: Wharton Social Impact Initiative
(Photo courtesy of Wharton Social Impact Initiative)