There is nothing better than reaching the highest levels of success, when working hand-in-hand together with others. Although a long track record of success doesn’t guaranty success in the future, it is the best predicter. A strong foundation, wisdom gleaned from success, learning from disappointments, an open-mind, and respect for others, joined in a collaborative partnership, will always yield the best results.
Lori A. Rosenthal & Associates
Strategic HR Business Partner, SPHR
Strategic Results:
Deliver just-in-time HR for organizations who do not need full-time HR departments
Partner with C-Suite leaders to establish their culture, mission vision, organizational structure, strategic goals, and employee needs
Implement full suite of employee services, including: job identification, recruiting, onboarding, compensation, benefits, training and development, performance management, succession planning, and exiting.
All documentation
Pinnacle Peer Advisory Council
Vice President of Operations
Strategic Results:
Launched new business
Designed organizational structure and key roles
Constructed talent pipelines
Designed and built website
Authored marketing collateral
Led business development
Voice Systems Engineering, VSE
Human Resources and Cultural Gardener
Strategic Results:
Revamped recruiting and onboarding process
Introduced Caliper Profile Assessment for career development
Employee advocate
Novotorium Incubator: impacted “go/no go” product lines along with key critical hires
Challenge: Holacracy
Congregation Beth Israel Religious School
Education Director
Strategic Results:
Excelled at crisis management - stepped in to complete program overhaul with less than 3 weeks before school year began
Enrolled 450 Students (Pre K - 12th)
Hired entire staff
Finalized curriculum and ordered all materials
Seamlessly delivered all supplemental family programming
Alchemy Semiconductor
Director of Human Resources
Strategic Results:
Designed non-traditional organizational structure
Coached C-Suite leadership in preparation for going public
Improved recruiting process as company doubled in size - very competitive marketplace
Introduced first Reward & Recognition program
Prepared marketing materials for venture capital meetings
Pitched in for non-HR roles: inventory, inside sales, real estate
NetSolve, Inc
Director of People (Investor Relations)
Proudest Results:
Led the full suite of HR functions
Rebuilt C-Suite team into high performing team
Strengthened recruiting process from candidate sourcing, behavioral interviewing, and onboarding - doubled in size in an extremely competitive marketplace
Introduced Project Management
Designed and delivered first sales training program
Managed Investor Relations for Initial Public Offering, IPO
Partnered with Austin Chamber of Commerce as first Director of Telecommunications Cluster
Positioned Austin as a telecommunications hub by building a strategic alliance with key competitors
Strategic HR Business Partner
Strategic Results:
Designed HR organization into Centers of Excellence and Partner Teams - more responsive to organizational changes
Design and built succession planning program and full War Room for 190 Vice Presidents and Directors; five business units
Introduced multiple reward and recognition programs
Inaugural Dean for Network Services University; designed an 11 university credit program
Specialized rotations in: Organizational Design, Succession Planning, Training Development and Delivery, and Strategic HR Business Partner
Muhlenberg College
Instructor SHRM Exam Preparation
Strategic Results:
Prepared lesson plans and delivered review course for student preparation for SHRM/HRCI certification exam
100% of students passed the first time - average first time passing rate was 56%
Bell of Pennsylvania
Certified Account Executive (PA and DE)
Strategic Results:
First Account Executive to Certify
#1 in sales for the State of Pennsylvania
First to sell new high-profile products: GATT Room
Assorted Retail Sales
Sales Manager/Sales Person
Strategic Results:
As sales manager, increased ranking from 4th to 2nd out of 19 branches
Excelled at sales in all positions: always highest sales and winner of every competition
Highest rate of customer retention and satisfaction
No employee turnover when sales manager
Implemented new programs for customer delight: fashion show, personalized files, and special displays